Course curriculum

  • 1

    How to have and keep a positive mindset

    • Intro to How to have and keep a positive mindset

    • Getting to know how you roll

    • What you need to have and keep a positive mindset

    • What you will start to master during this course

  • 2

    Positive and Negative Traits

    • Lets do this!

    • What are traits?

    • Where do traits from come?

    • How are your traits represented in a social environment?

    • Action Play

    • Show off about traits

  • 3

    Feel good hormones and how to release them

    • I'm proud of you

    • Where do feel good hormones come from?

    • How to release feel good hormones

    • Why release feel good hormones

    • Action Play

    • Quizzing your hormones

  • 4

    Understanding your area of weakness

    • Keep it moving

    • Turning your weakness into a strength

    • Where to look to find your weakness

    • Why work on your weakness?

    • Action Play for your weaknesses

    • A quiz to expand your weakness

  • 5

    Learning the power of letting go to gain control

    • Well done, half way

    • What's the point in letting go?

    • How to let go

    • Why you want to let go

    • Action play for letting it go

    • To let go gives you the greatest form of control quiz

  • 6

    How it's everything but your everyday lifestyle that keeps you from being happy

    • A course to aid a positive and practical approach

    • How it's everything but your everyday lifestyle that keeps you from being happy

    • Plant new roots

    • Where to find an area of growth

    • Action Play

    • Quiz for your lifestyle

  • 7

    How to recognise a positive and negative thought

    • Smile, life is what you make it

    • Recognise a positive and negative thought

    • Why have thoughts?

    • Positive & negative thoughts

    • Action Play

    • When we were woke

  • 8

    Being the best version of you

    • Final Hurdle

    • What makes you the best version of you?

    • How to be the best version of you

    • Why be the best version of you?

    • Action for the best version of you

    • Quiz the best version of yourself

  • 9

    Congratulations and celebrations

    • Whey Hey!

    • Everyone is entitled to an opinion

    • Further resources